Channeled messages are something that began spontaneously happening for me, much as mediumship began happening for me. I consider mediumship delivering channeled messages from individual loved ones in spirit, but I tend to refer to "channeled" messages as coming from collective spirits for a collective group of spirits in bodies. I may also use the term "Spirit download." Channeled information comes from Spirit to me on behalf of all whom Spirit knows will be hearing or reading the messages. The larger the group, the less likely the messages will be specific to an individual but they will serve the highest good of the group.
I love how channeled messages serve the highest good of a group for a particular moment in time, yet Spirit's messages contain universal and timeless wisdom!
Spirit knows who the messages will be reaching. I am always in awe of this divine orchestration, as I am when it happens in a group mediumship session or demonstration, just in a different way. I also find it wondrous how a channeled message will align with the intention of a group. For example, in my monthy Spirit Power Hour meetings, Spirit's channeled messages have been pertaining to spiritual growth. This is no coincidence, as the overall intention for this group is spiritual growth. The format for Spirit Power Hour is that I receive and deliver a channeled message to the group, deliver a few individual validations and messages, and then I lead an intuitive growth practice. Spirit Power Hour attracts people who are seeking spiritual and/or intuitive growth, so it makes sense that Spirit's messages for the people attending these groups are spiritually enlightening.
I want to share one of our Spirit Power Hour channeled messages (below) and something very special about this particular one. At the end of this channeled message, I found the part about the "famous cardinal" and "banana peel" to be very unusual, the nature of this was more earthly and unique, like mediumistic impressions/validations. Especially the "famous" cardinal. I figured these particular validations would speak to an individual present and, as always, I just delivered what Spirit communicated through me.
The next day when I opened my Instagram stories, the first thing I saw was a video story that a beloved friend of my (passed) son Perry had shared of herself. She was eating a banana! I immediately felt Spirit chills and knew this validation was for her, and for me, of course. I messaged my son's friend to tell her about my message from the previous evening. This is part of her reply back to me:
"I can't believe it.... I am helping my best friend move right now to Missouri. She has been talking to me about how she has been seeing cardinals the past couple of days and she is the one who gave me the other half of her banana. And we are currently in the cardinal city, Saint Louis... "
Ah, the "famous" cardinal!
This is a perfect example of how Spirit can accomplish so much and sometimes there is a melding of what is for the highest good of all and what is for one individual person. A channeled message to a group or class or even for my Facebook page may contain a word or thought that speaks intimately to a specific person or people; yet the overall message may touch all who read it, in one way or another. And so it is, I hope Spirit's message (below) for those who attended that Spirit Power Hour also speaks to you.
(If you attended that particular meeting, I would love to hear from you in the comments! If you are interested in joining Spirit Power Hour, held monthly on Monday mornings (tomorrow, if you are reading this on 6/5), click here:
Your Potential
We tell you this: You have the potential to heal. Whether it is severed emotions or a severed knee or vein, you have the potential to heal. The obstacle is never that you do not possess this potential, but that you do not believe you possess it. You have the potential to bring to light every inspiration you have. You ask us how we know if it is an inspiring thought, and we tell you this: The problem is rarely that the human has unrealistic expectation but rather the human does not realize his or her potential.
Sometimes it is so that the impatience gets in the way, and you tend to think, well, if I would have overcome or accomplished this or that, I would have done so by now. But you understand not that potential does not mean something will be completed overnight. If you had already achieved all your potential to learn and grow, we tell you a secret: You would have accomplished your life’s path and you would be here with us.
So, delight in the time it takes for you to accomplish your potential, for it means you have much life to live! When you become frustrated, you tend to tell yourself you were not “enough” something. Smart enough, strong enough, financially secure enough, healthy enough… And whatever “not enough” you tell yourself is what becomes the obstacle between you and your potential. But the “not enough” never comes from us. “Not enough” never comes from the Spirit but from your past of dreams broken and traumas lived.
Know that you are enough to see to fruition an inspiration that makes your heart dance. And even though it may take some time to see the manifestation of the inspiration, know that you can now, in this moment and every day forward, realize the potential you already possess to bring that inspiration to manifestation. You can realize the full potential of who you are and then watch your impatience turn to delight as you watch your ideas come to fruition. Once you realize you have the potential, you can relax and breathe, and then you will see that life isn’t about being in a hurry. Life isn’t about accomplishment, but about enjoyment along the way. So, while you are in process of seeing your ideas to fruition, just laugh and smile and enjoy the ride.
We love you so very much. Look to the stars and look for our signs. Your signs are unique to you. One’s sign may be the famous cardinal and another’s a banana peel. Yes, we love to make you laugh and delight in your joy.