Hi! I'm Rachel and I have a natural ability to communicate with your loved ones who are no longer in their physical bodies but are just as close to you and in some ways, closer than ever! In a private session, I will receive from your loved ones in spirit what they want to communicate through my own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I will see, hear, and feel their impressions and share them with you as we go along. These impressions will be evidential validations, which is information that is personal and specific to your loved ones (including details I couldn't know!), and healing messages that are important to them. They can also let you know through these evidential impressions how they are around you today. Your loved ones will also want to share messages that are important to them, including things they didn't get to say and how they are guiding you on your path today.
I also offer Divine Guidance sessions. In these sessions, the evidential information I receive from Spirit on your behalf will be related to you and your path here. People seek these sessions when going through challenging circumstances and/or making significant decisions, or when seeking spiritual development/mentorship. I also offer small group mediumship sessions and I teach classes in intuitive development, mediumship, and connecting with your loved ones in spirit for yourself.
For my current services, please see Private Sessions and Online Events. I offer all private session options via phone or Zoom. To learn more about me and my spiritual journey, I invite you to read my memoir, Start It Up, via booksellers and on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions:
I have also started a podcast, Get Spirited!, available on all major podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts, and Spotify