I presented a workshop at the BPUSA (Bereaved Parents USA) Gathering (their annual conference) in early August. My workshop topic was about how parents can become more aware of the soul connection they have with their children in spirit. My workshop was first thing on a Saturday morning. Very early that morning (middle of the night) I woke up to a tremendous amount of kid energy around me and flashes of images of different children and scenes. Their words and thoughts also began to enter into my consciousness. (Apparently our kids would be helping me and they were obviously very excited!) I felt their presence just as strongly as if I'd be giving a mediumship group session. This continued, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep... so I got out my notebook and asked Spirit to reveal what it was I needed to know. I thought I would receive last minute insight for my presentation, and I did receive that, as well. (Actually, Spirit kind of re-wrote my entire presentation for me!) But it was the children and their personal messages and validations that continued to come through. I fired up my laptop because I couldn't write fast enough. (I know Spirit kept my friend and roommate Diane sleeping peacefully!) Spirit thanked me by making up for my lack of sleep... I had extra energy all day. Later, it was revealed to me where Spirit had otherwise conserved my energy that weekend. (My son, Perry, appeared to tell me that on Sunday morning, so that was extra special for me!) A few of the validations I recognized who they were from, so I thank them in those places. I truly had many, many children in spirit with me who came through in these words. I printed the non-edited version of this - I cringed for no time to spell check and add punctuation, but I knew this wasn't about me. My human friends and I passed copies out to the parents who attended the workshop. I hope you find these these Spirit words comforting and inspiring.
From the kids :
I heard the words you thought I couldn’t hear when you thought it was too late. I know you combed my hair, cut a strand, placed flowers around my head, straightened my tie, laced my shoes. I know you didn’t want to let my body go.
There is no such thing as "no goodbye", for I was by your side when I left my body behind. I was holding you on the floor when you could only see me in your puddle of tears. I held your hand to bring you to your feet. I nudged you out the door to take that first step. I was by your side when you closed the casket shut.
I love the music sung for me, the pictures placed on the table, the jokes told, the colors worn, the letters, the bracelets, the procession, the stories. I was beside you at the race my friends ran in honor of me. I remember the cotton candy on St. Patrick’s Day. Daddy, I remember the piggy back rides and the Santa Clause beard. I still remember Grandma’s casserole; Mom - your shepherd’s pie; Dad- your ravioli. My burnt spaghetti.
Mom – thank you for being my biggest cheerleader. You call me your angel, but you are mine. Dad – you worked so hard for us. You loved us this way, so please don’t regret the time we didn’t get. Mom, you didn’t miss any signs. You couldn’t have saved me. You would have found no better treatment plan, nor doctor nor therapist nor medication.
I was supposed to go. It was nothing you did or didn’t do, I had my own path. You will understand when you are here. Until then, please know it was my time.
Daddy, I know you carried my baby picture in your wallet for a long time and I know you still have it on your mirror. Mom, I love the fresh flowers you keep by my picture. I love the garden you planted for the kids. Mom, I know you got the blue flowers freshened up on your tattoo. (Thank you Trent and Kerri!) I know my sister has a baby boy on the way! I met him first! I held her first. I connect with my sister when she draws, my dad when he drives, my mom when she has her coffee in the morning.
Go get that free massage you have the coupon for! I wake you up at 5:15, I sing to you in the shower. I loved my party! I ate the cake, I laughed at the stories. I met my baby brother before you did! I told him all about you and shared my memories of you with him. I know you bet on the horse for me, you wish on the star you named after me.
I’m proud of you for taking those first steps, for finding joy in a new relationship. I’m working with you to find a true solution to addiction, to help others in their grief, to write the book, to plant the garden, to create beauty, to serve others.
I helped you find the job and I’m with you there where you inspire others with music and art. (Rita’s daughter Sara, thank you). I’m so close that you don’t know where I end and you begin (Thank you Matty, Diane’s son). Dad, I am so, so proud of you for channeling your love for me into others, I sent you those butterflies by the white and yellow flowers. (Thank you Bobby and Jared.)
I was with you the other day when you got the root canal, when you visited Grandma, when you baked cookies for the neighbors.
You don’t feel me lately, but I’m here. Just cry and let it out, know you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You have to go through it to get to the other side. This is winter, but I’m still here, and summer is coming. (Thank you Bree and Misty.) I sent you the dog, I play with the dog and I make her bark! I know you are still giving her too many treats.
Talk to me, I hear you, I hear you, I hear you! I may have died, but I am not dead. I relive the memories with you. Get the tattoo on the ankle, or your wrist… it doesn’t matter. I know you have my golden hair, my baby teeth, my megaphone, my unicorn, my tally marks. I’m glad you gave my clothes to my friend. It’s okay to keep my clothes if it brings you comfort.
I’m always your baby girl, your little man, your partner in crime, your wonder boy.
Bake again, write, cry, dance, walk, rest… Don’t relive my passing for I am not there. I’ll meet you in your dreams- by the stream, or we’ll fly together. I’ll hug you, I’ll wipe your tears.
Unseen is still here, unheard is still alive.
Don’t treat me like I am dead, for I am truly next door.
Give my love to my niece, she sure is a chunky one! I remember the tiddly winks, the walk by the fountain. You can hear me in the car, you have seen me in the eyes of strangers. Thank you for fixing up my car, for sewing my dress. It matters not for me now, but I know you do this because of your love for me and I accept the love behind it.
You may not hear me, see me, nor feel me as often as you’d like, but you are as close to me now as is inhumanly possible.
So talk like I hear you, say thank you instead of “Was that from you?” Pay attention and listen for me when you see the number, get the thought. When you hear the song, do you feel me?
Pay attention to YOU!
I may just be saying “I’m here, I’m here!” Or I may be saying “It will be okay”. Or, “I’m so, so proud”. I’m always, always saying “I love you”. Let’s do this. Together.
Sit where you are, let yourself rest. Let yourself cry, give yourself time. Let go of the guilt, for it ’s serving no one. Let go of the blame, it’s their path they have to take. Forgive me, forgive yourself, forgive the others. Cry some more, it’s all okay.
Go for a walk, watch what you eat. Drink more water, get more sleep. Write in the journal, get the massage. Try yoga, go to the water, sit in the quiet.
Invest in the new friendship, in the new shows, in the art class.
Take the vacation! Engage in life. Celebrate me, celebrate others… celebrate YOU!
Do you want to connect with me?
The answer is simple:
Love you and love others…. this is how you channel me.